Develop yourself as an industrial designer according to current design standards
To educate and train professionals who are capable of designing products and services based on the knowledge of the manufacturing needs, materials and processes, as well as through a creative process capable of generating innovative, functional, ergonomic solutions to be mass-produced for the purpose of creating competitiveness, efficiency, and quality of life for the users.
Furthermore, we encourage students to use the most advanced technology and get acquainted with the advantages of interdisciplinary work and strategic design, embedded in a context of productivity and efficiency with a humanely intelligent vision of design that takes into consideration the social and environmental reality of their community.
To encourage students to use the most advanced technology and get acquainted with the advantages of interdisciplinary work and strategic design while embedded in a context of productivity and efficiency, with a humanely intelligent vision of design that takes into consideration the social and environmental reality of their community.
"You can't really say what is beautiful about a place, but the image of the place will remain vividly with you"
\ Professional Success
An UDEM Industrial Designer can work as a(n):
- Designer of commercial products
- Creative director
- Innovation department director
- Designer of household appliances and devices
- Toy designer
- Designer of packaging and containers
- Designer of specialized footwear and accessories
- Designer of means of transport
- Jewelry designer
- Designer of orthopedic and sports equipment
- Furniture designer
- Tool designer
- Designer of sales stands and points of sales
- Set designer
- Strategic designer and project manager
- Enterpriser
- Researcher and developer

Empleabilidad creciente
Industrias del plástico, automotriz, cerámica y vidrio, compañías productoras de juguetes, joyas, bisutería o muebles, empaques y embalajes son solo algunas de las empresas donde puede trabajar un egresado de la carrera de Diseño Industrial.
La fuerza laboral del país es mayor en:
Conoce los talleres que se impartirán este año
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