Develop yourself as a fashion designer according to current design standards
To educate and train professionals who aim to be leaders in the fashion industry and who can propose innovative solutions
Making use of the skills and competencies acquired throughout their degree program in design: innovation, production, responsible marketing, and entrepreneurship, succeeding in contributing high-impact products and services at the national and global levels, in response to the needs of an ever-changing industry.
"You can't really say what is beautiful about a place, but the image of the place will remain vividly with you."
\ Professional Success
An LDM UDEM graduate will be able to work in the following industrial sectors and work areas:
- Garments industry
- Textile industry
- Fur industry
- Maquiladora industry
- Development of production lines
- Accessories industry
- Commercial apparel sector
- Communication media
- Image consultancy
- Performing arts

En la Licenciatura en Diseño de Modas exhibimos en museos, galerías y eventos. También participamos en convocatorias nacionales e internacionales, proyectos sociales, viajes de estudios, fashion films, pasarelas, diseños de vestuario, estilismo en producciones de Netflix, entre otras actividades.
Por otro lado, un LDM tendrá la opción de emprender su propia marca, producto o servicio. Tenemos egresados con marcas propias exitosas tales como:
Conoce los talleres que se impartirán este año
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