Develop yourself as a digital animator according to current design standards
Train professionals in the Bachelor of Animation and Digital Effects capable of:
- Developing animation projects through the application of principles and graphic techniques to represent stories and events by means of different media and digital platforms.
- Creating a visual style and an efficient topology that allow for deformations and movement through organic and inorganic models for animation, visual effects, and interactive production.
- Producing visual and audio elements and effects that satisfy the project’s needs, applying physical simulation techniques and combining real and digital elements to achieve audiovisual consistency and credibility.
- Configuring the processing and rendering attributes of the visual production to create environments and scenarios, according to the needs of a project.
- Representing a story through a narrative structure and the use of an audiovisual language to convey it in accordance with the requirements of users and clients.
- Putting together a portfolio of evidence that allows them to enhance the knowledge and skills acquired during their education and training for their entrance into the labor market.
"You can't really say what is beautiful about a place, but the image of the place will remain vividly with you."
\ Professional Success
The graduate of the Bachelor of Animation and Digital Effects UDEM can work as:
- 3D Animator
- 2D Digital Animator
- 3D Artist
- Visual Effects Artist
- Multimedia Developer
- Multimedia Designer
- Storyboard Artist
- Visual Effects Director
- Character Artist
- Scene Environment Artist
- Video Game Artist
- Illustrator
- Graphic Display Producer
- Digital Content Producer

Datos interesantes sobre la carrera de animación.
La industria de la animación, los efectos visuales y los videojuegos ha crecido significativamente en México durante los últimos años.
Conoce los talleres que se impartirán este año
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Correo electrónico
[email protected]¡Bienvenidos al espacio que congrega al mejor talento creativo de Latinoamérica!
Como Director de la Licenciatura en Animación y Efectos Digitales, es un gusto invitarte a formar parte de nuestra comunidad. En el CRGS, el Arte, la Arquitectura y el Diseño nos inspiran para ofrecerte experiencias únicas y transformadoras.
La Universidad de Monterrey ofrece a sus estudiantes de la carrera de animación un entorno ideal para el aprendizaje en instalaciones de vanguardia, planes de estudio que respaldan su prestigio, el acompañamiento de profesores expertos en sus áreas y numerosas oportunidades para la internacionalización.
Prepárate para inspirar tu mejor versión.